The Importance of LED Lighting for Sports Fields

The Importance of LED Lights for Sports Arenas

Generally speaking, LED and Smart LED technology save energy and money. This is especially important when discussing large light fixtures such as exterior lighting, floodlights, and lamp posts. Furthermore, lights that stay on for long amounts of time can benefit greatly from switching to LED technology.

Therefore, the importance of quality stadium and arena lighting, areas where companies, teams, and owners can decrease their energy costs and improve the appearance of the field, should be considered highly important.

Lights for Sports Arenas

Save money

On average, upgrading from traditional and halogen lighting to LED lighting on sports fields can save up to 50-75% on energy costs. When considering the usually high costs of lighting sports complexes, this can lead to some serious savings in the long run.

Always ready

With LED lighting, you can decrease startup times, making it easier to flip the switch and hit the field quicker next time you have a practice, game, or open field time.

Control flooding

You want to light the field, not blind the audience. Normal flood flights can produce too much light, creating a problem for the spectators and athletes. This is also important when the sports field is located in a residential area. When the field is in use, you do not want to be responsible for flooding the neighboring houses with unwanted light. LED lighting for sports fields is precise, controlled, and effective.


The Importance of LED Lighting for SportsLED Lights and How They Save Energy

With AIRIS LED bulbs and lights you get several benefits, including:

  • better light quality – no infrared rays, no ultraviolet rays, and no flickering
  • you won´t be exposed to polluting gases, mercury or lead that are part of traditional and halogen lighting.




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By upgrading to Airis LED Lighting in a sports field there are several benefits to take into consideration.


sports arena lights

At Airis Energy, we offer a premium selection of lighting options for sports complexes. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with LED lighting for your sports field.

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